Friday, July 13, 2012

We arrived in Athens safe and sound! I slept a whole lot on the plane  and then some more when we got to the hotel (which is lovely). We went out for dinner at a really nice restaurant and ate on it's rooftop garden underneath an awning. I got to try real authentic Greek salad which was delicious, then last night we went over our orientation. Today we visited the Agora, which I learned was a type of market place for socializing in Ancient Athens, as well as a place for political debate and information. There was a small museum in the Agora, which had many pieces of pottery, some jewlery, small tombs, urns, and even a cheese grater! I will post my pictures from that museum when I finish explaining our day. After we left the Agora, we went out for a group lunch around the corner from our hotel. I had Greek salad again (because I loved it so much) and then a classic gyro, which consisted of beef, lamb, tomatoes, and greek yogurt, all inside pita bread. The food so far has been as amazing as I expected. After lunch we went to the Acropolis museum, which is actually a fairly modern museum dedicated to Acropolis, mainly the Parthanon. We talked a lot about how this museum was a sort of message to the British, saying that Athenians were perfectly capable of preserving their own history and culture. We learned that the British had actually taken pieces of the Parthanon and put them into the British Museum. This Acropalis Museum was an answer to that. After dinner we were split up into groups and set on a photo-scavenger hunt. My team won!! We call ourselves "The Dream Team". It consists of my new friends Addie, Juliana, and myself. Aparently we will be getting a prize tomorrow morning. Also we were told that these photo scavenger hunts will be a reacurring thing with each new city we visit. The Dream Team plans on being undefeated. Tomorrow we will be leaving early to actually visit the Acropolis so I will be sure to get some good pictures to post on here. So far everyone is really nice and we all seem to get along. I can tell this summer is going to be a lot of fun!

Here's one piece from the Agora. There is more to come.

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