Monday, July 16, 2012

Yesterday we took an all day trip to Mycenae and Napflion. For our group discussion we had a small debate about a dialog between Socrates and Crito, written by Plato. We discussed the questioning that could come up when you consider if breaking just laws is acceptable or not. We walked up the ruins of the Citadel in Mycenae and then moved to a huge castle that overlooked the beach. Then we were given a few hours to actually go down and swim and to have snacks by the water. After the beach we were given more free time to explore the town that we were in. It was very pretty and quiet. Some friends and I went into a store and talked with the shop who was very nice. She taught us some Greek words! Today we visited the National Archeological Museum. We saw the burial crown of King Agamemnon. We also spent some time discussing the differences between the Archaic period and Classic period of Greek Art. It was all a lot of fun! I am having major problems uploading the video... so that probably wont happen until Rome. Tomorrow is our last full day in Greece! We are doing another beach day which I am thankful for. Goodnight!

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